
Extensions for DSpace XMLUI

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Extensions for DSpace XMLUI

This repository contains extension code for https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace specific to XMLUI.

How to use this

There are three steps to using XMLUI-Extras in your DSpace repository.

Obtain, build and install the API-Extras code

The XMLUI-Extras code depends on another DSpace extension module published by the IRR Team at the University of Waikato, API-Extras. Follow the instructions for obtaining, building and installing the API-Extras code, choosing the version of API-Extras required by your selected version of XMLUI-Extras.

Obtain, build and install the code

Then you will need to download, build and install the XMLUI-Extras maven module on the computer where you're intending to build DSpace. Take care to download a version of XMLUI-Extras that is compatible with your DSpace version (look at the version of the dspace-api dependency in this project's pom.xml file). You will typically want to check out one of the tags (released versions) of XMLUI-Extras rather than just master. At the top level of this project's source tree, run mvn package install. This will place the xmlui-extras-VERSION.jar file in your local maven cache.

Pull XMLUI-Extras into DSpace

Then you will need to pull the XMLUI-Extras module into DSpace. In your DSpace source tree, edit the dspace/modules/xmlui/pom.xml file. At the top of the existing dependencies section, you will need to insert a new dependency block.


Instead of VERSION, put in the version of XMLUI-Extras you built in the first step. Make any other changes to actually use the features in XMLUI-Extras (eg, add aspect configuration to dspace/config/xmlui.xconf). Finally, rebuild DSpace.